6월 28일부터 30일까지, 2024 이우 욕실 전시회
Gdxunjia participated in the Yiwu Kitchen and Bathroom Facilities Exhibition from June 28th to 30th. At the expo site, you can see real products and the quality of the products.
The gdxunjia 공장 has prepared various types of 스테인레스 스틸 바닥 배수구, including regular style, long style, special style, hidden style, etc., at the exhibition site for customers to visit.
(gxunjia’s exhibition samples)
Gdxunjia factory’s products website:https://www.floordrainmanufacturer.com
If you want to learn about these products, 아래 채팅앱을 클릭하시면 가격을 문의하실 수 있습니다.
+86 13690022846
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