May 28th rau 30th, 2024 Yiwu Chav dej Exhibition
Gdxunjia koom hauv lub Yiwu Kitchen thiab chav dej Chaw Exhibition ntawm lub rau hli ntuj 28th rau 30th. Ntawm qhov chaw expo, Koj yuav pom cov khoom tiag tiag thiab qhov zoo tshaj ntawm cov khoom.
The gdxunjia factory has prepared various types of stainless steel floor drains, xws li style, style ntev, style tshwj xeeb, nkaum style, li ntawd., Ntawm qhov chaw exhibition rau cov neeg muas zaub mus xyuas.
(gxunjia’s exhibition samples)
Gdxunjia factory’s products website:
If you want to learn about these products, you can click on the chat app below to inquire about prices.
+86 13690022846
Koj yuav nyem rau cov kev tawm icon saum toj no dhia mus sib tham thiab qhov chaw txiav txim.